Saturday, November 2, 2013

San Francisco

my last week off, b and i decided to go to S.F. to keep papa company while he worked, and so we could spend some time with Zsa Zsa and paw paw before they left for Japan. the drive was horrible. b decided to scream the ENTIRE time. we stopped once to feed and to take a walk around the rest stop. he stopped crying instantly. he really just hates to be strapped down i guess. i hope this 'hate the car seat thing' doesn't last a long time or we're really in for it. it was beautiful in the city. cold but sunny. zoe and i went for walks up a million stair cases. she was a little weird being in a new place, but adjusted just fine. she managed to get her hair everywhere. poor auntie and uncle. lots of vacuuming in their future. blonde on black. 

the highlight of our trip was we got to see mikio again, and suds! and witness the most projectile puke i had ever seen come out of such a tiny person. on me. it was worth it, to see his reaction afterwards. so calm and sleepy from the puke. he nuzzled right in to my chest (and puke). i knew i had to give him back though since there was pukes dripping off of me on the carpet. still in love with this little guy. no puke or shit or pee could deter me away.

bffs/cousins/twins. holding hands for life. 

the drive back wasn't AS bad. still bad, but the screaming didn't really start until fairfield. we ended up stopping in roseville at the mall. i thought shopping would be a nice break for all of us. sure enough, it was. we strolled around the mall, speed shopping, in hopes he wouldn't have a melt down while standing in a line. he didn't. everyone was very impressed with how good he was. the only down fall is i wasn't able to get my eye brows waxed. boo hoo. they said it was illegal to wax someone with a baby attached to them. i was very sad. and didn't understand the reasoning, except that hot wax could spill and burn your baby. but it still seemed ridics. vanity over safety. duh.

 we are all happy to be home though. including zoe. b instantly went to sleep  when we arrived and didn't wake up until 12 hours later. fed. and continued to sleep for another 4. this boy was tired.