Thursday, June 19, 2014

11 months (a day late)

i am a day late in wishing you a very happy 11 months. it hasn't been the best month, but we survived. your papa got hurt and hasn't been able to work..on the upside it's been nice having him home every night for dinner and bed time. you got very sick with roseola. your papa got poison oak from zoe. elliot cat got a fox tail wrapped around his eye ball and had to go to the vet. and me, your mama is recovering from the worst case of mastitis ever! probably from you being sick and nursing every hour and making my supply of milk go way up. and then going back to normal when you felt better and me getting engorged, which led to an infection. i tried going into work yesterday and ended up having to leave only after 3 hours. i had a major fever and chills and just couldn't bare it any longer. i was so cold, when i climbed into my 90 degree car to drive home, it felt so good, i just sat in there for like 10 minutes and warmed up. today my antibiotics have finally kicked in. i am still in pain, especially when you feed, but at least there is no fever and chills to go along anymore. 

today i felt well enough to take you for a play date at the river. you got pretty tan just from the walk to the beach. then i freaked out and slathered sun screen all over you hoping you wouldn't get skin cancer right then and had fun playing in the water with your yellow dump truck. i am trying to get you used to cold water, because you start swim lessons next month, and i don't want you to freak out because it's not a heated pool. i am already freaking out because i hate water and don't want to get in the cold water to give you swim lessons. maybe i will just make your papa do it. hehe. 

your new major skill you do is throw things. i've been kind of avoiding this one. i haven't really encouraged this one for a while, but you are just doing it on your own, so now i have to. yes, you throw tows across the room. you hit me with your toys in the face. OMG you are obsessed with anything on wheels. or anything that rides smoothly across the floor while you drive it along crawling. it's very cute. you are so fast. 

today you attempted to take that first step, and fell flat on your forehead. we were still in shock about the first step that we didn't react very fast when you started to cry. then i picked you up and handed you off to papa, and you just gave him the biggest proudest grin. you're so tough! 

you're getting pretty good at signing. i love being able to communicate with you. we need to start teaching you new things now, but i want to make sure you get the basics first, which always have to do with eating of course! 

it's been such an adventure watching you grow bronson. i am always so astonished and amazed by you. your capability to do things. your excitement. your laughter. and your love that you show and give us. you are so easy to be around. sometimes i wonder if having you will be enough for us. since you are so great. just you. on your own. and i don't want to ruin that. 

love you my little man. you are almost a year! i can't believe it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

last week sucked

we had a rough last week. b had his first sickness ever. which consisted of a fever for four days straight. at one time it got over 103.5 and i almost had an anxiety attack. thank gawd jon was home and able to be the calm one, and to keep me relatively calm as well. (not really) but he tried. luckily he stayed very well hydrated, actually he would just gulp water down out of the sippy cup every time he would wake up..and his appetite was good until the last day. but still ate. just wasn't as into it as he usually is. i took him into my work and they said it was viral. then i took him to the pediatricians and she said it was viral as well, but to not be surprised if he brakes out in a rash. and if he does, well it will be Roseola. sure enough the rash came. yay! it feels good to have a diagnoses. 

b is feeling 100% better now and is back to eating and smiling and being his old happy self. we are so happy to have our boy back to normal. i've got to admit though, having a sick baby did make the days very relaxing. it was the first time since he was a new born where he would just lay on top of you and not move. and just sleep or just hang out. it was nice to cuddle. unfortunately not under the best circumstances. 

three good reasons i'm glad B got sick. 

1. he is immune to this virus for the rest of his life.

2. i got to cuddle with my boy for the first time in a long time.

3. b learned sign language really well. especially the sign for milk. oh man, i'm in trouble with this sign. but it feels so rewarding to see your baby starting to sign back to you. even if they get mixed up, or he alternates more and all done, which confuses the shit out of me. i have no idea if i should give him more or stop. but the milk sign never gets confused with anything. thats for sure!