Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to these two amazing guys! Bronson and I are so lucky to have them in our lives. 
Gary, you have always been so accepting of me. you've never judged me. you have always been there, whenever i needed it. you've opened your heart to the people i've loved, with no questions or concerns. you've trusted my judgement, even when it was not the best. for that, i am so blessed to have you in my life. thank you. 

to my love of my life, jon. i don't know where i would be right now with out you. you are so patient with me. especially with bronson. you calm me down when i most need it. you listen to me, when i need to vent. you get a bit awkward when i cry, so that's good it doesn't happen very often. but i know you. and i know you aren't great at the communication of the crying emotions of a woman, but who is? i can only imagine it's pretty hard to deal with. but thank you for this past 23 months of fatherhood. for all the support. for letting me have girls trip with no guilt or questions asked. for working around my schedule and yet still making money. for being there with bronson. when you are here, you are present! that makes up for the time you are gone for the 4 days out of the week, times 1,000! i would rather a father gone 4 days out of the week and present 100% for those other 3 days, then to have a father who is here the whole week, but not really present at all. not really engaged, and not really caring to see their boy grow. but you are all over it. the minute you come home from work, you instantly swoop bronson, and tell me to take a break. tired or not. you take the initiative and get shit done. you are super mom/dad/boyfriend/contractor. i don't know how you do it, but you do. and with such grace. you make it look easy. i love you, jon.