Tuesday, April 8, 2014

i love..

i love your smile. especially when you are looking straight at me with our noses touching. i love the laugh that comes out of that smile. you make me laugh more and more everyday. your laugh makes up for a hard bad day with you. i love how intrigued you are with what i'm doing. have it be opening mail, eating, writing a grocery list or on my phone. your eye balls follow me with such concern, then always followed by a big grin. i love how you collapse your whole head and body back and stare at the skylight/ceiling/walls when i carry you up the stairs. i love how you prefer to sit in a big pile of books while i read to you, gnawing on each and everyone. i love your excitement for toy cars, or anything on wheels. i love that you are not scared of water, and in fact would prefer to always be touching it in some way. have it be in the bath, or the faucet, or Zoe's water bowl, or drinking it with a straw. i love that your Vitamin D is still the best thing you've ever tasted and everyday you get excited for it. i love how you can't sit still EVER, so when you do for a split moment, it is the most calming second ever. i love that after i feed you at night before bed, you twist to the side, climb on top of me and actually lay flat on me give me the biggest squeeze ever and rest your head sideways while sucking your thumb. this is the newest thing you do and i absolutely ADORE it. you don't fall asleep breastfeeding anymore, but you know when bedtime is because you nuzzle up. i rock you in the chair and sing to you, or shhhhh you. then i stand up and sway you until your entire body just collapses. no stiff bone in the body. i lay you down in your crib and tickle your back until you close your eyes and are still. now why can't naps be like this?! i love coming down stairs to see what position you are in. usually its this sprawled out face down star fish. when it's cold, you are curled up with butt in the air. i just wanted to share a few things i love about you. there are a million more things i love about you, but these are the ones that are fresh in my mind. i love you baby boy. 

1 comment:

  1. Love these!!! So good to write them down. I feel like I already forget so many!!!
