Friday, May 30, 2014


bronson's new nick name is impatient little piggy. apparently jon has renamed our son this. food is a BIG deal to this kid. if you are eating something, guess who comes crawling up your leg wanting whatever you're having. yup. lots of grunting, pulling, tears start happening if it's not baby edible. very impatient. very little. very piggy of himself. much like, ME! these days we have to sneak off to shove something in our mouths, or else..we have to feed the beast! 

some of our favorites are: ground beef. chicken. salmon. rice. pasta noodles. cottage cheese (which he hated the first time, but now loves)especially mixed with peaches. yogurt. blueberries. oatmeal. broccoli. and of course sweet potatoes. 

dislikes: raw tofu. i will try again next week. he did this with cottage cheese the first time as well. and 3 weeks later tried again, and he loves it. i think it's the texture of both that he disliked, or dislikes. avocado is kind of becoming in the the dislike category, which i am very bummed about. i give him avocado at least every other day since he was 6 months. he eats it, but doesn't scarf it down like his other food. and sometimes he makes the worst face ever when eating it, but still swallows it. i am hoping this is a phase. because i love avocado so much, i can't imagine my child not liking it. even my dog loves it. 

it's been a fun 4.5 months introducing new foods, even though i am scared of him chocking on everything. i have anxiety when meal time comes around for this specific reason. i can't wait for those molars come in. :)

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