Monday, July 28, 2014

12 month check up

i am pleased to say that bronson gained weight. and grew.and his growth chart graph went up, from a low 20th percentile to a whopping high 23rd percentile. YES! 

weight: 19.5 lbs

height: 28.5 inches

diaper size: 3 

hemoglobin: 11.5 (which is in range)

lead: negative 

we have finished most of the series of vaccines. just started hep A series. we will start MMR and Varicella at 15 month check up. 

goals for this month: we are going to work on building things and saying a couple words, besides mama and dada, and the occasional blurred, slurred attempt of Elliot. we are going to try to eat more beans and lentils. we are going to re-try egg whites without breaking out in hives. and we are going to try strawberries. oh and we are going to WALK! we pretty much can, but crawling is just so much easier! 

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