Thursday, February 20, 2014

progress report

i am happy and ecstatic to say that B FINALLY sits without support. occasionally he will be too tired to sit anymore and will just plop over and bonk his head on the floor. ouch. but it happens. that's how they learn to balance. which is what i'm slowly learning. as i used to be there for every tilt in the wrong direction, now i kind of let him do it on his own, and he actually auto corrects himself on his own before he falls down. and now since i've stopped being an annoying, worried, over protective mother, he's been able to learn to sit. such a huge milestone. it only took 7 months. which reminds me, B is now 7 months old, as of Feb 18th! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BOY. 

sleeping: he sleeps through the entire night again. yay! he is done teething until the top one's start to come in, which isn't supposed to be until 9 months. bedtime is at 7:30pm..he wakes up between 6-7am. goes back down for his nap once in a while right after a feeding. or sometimes he stays up for a couple hours and takes him morning nap then. he like to try to have his naps be at least an hour. we average 1.5 hours each nap. sometimes 2-2.5 hours if we're lucky. but of course we have our bad days when naps are only 20 mins long. this doesn't mean he is even grumpy and is perfectly happy wit no sleep. but then there are the days where he can have tons of sleep and he is the grumpiest of all times. i have no idea what determines his sadness/fussiness. usually it's sleep. and the past 2 weeks haven't been the usual happy bronson that we know. :(

eating: bananas, apples, and avocados are the newest things we've tried. doing the 4 day thing still, so it's taking a while. just bought some organic frozen blueberries, so i think we will try that next. i read that frozen fruit is actually more nutritious. and fresher, even though its frozen. doesn't seem so fresh, eh? B still LOVES his Tri Vi Sol. aka Vitamin D. if he could just eat this at all times, he would be satisfied. goes to show you if you start stuff from infancy, they are bound to end up liking it. 

poop: hasn't happened. been a week. gave lots of water and prunes today, so hopefully that will get things moving for tomorrow. 

Anxiety: yes this stranger anxiety and separation anxiety has happened. i was dreading the moment my baby cared who was caring him. luckily he is 50/50 with jon and me, so it's not just mommy at all times. i work a lot, so jon is with B more than i am with him. he is super dad. it's insane. he gets everything done while watching the baby. grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, post office, dinner ready, etc. they have their whole little routine of errands they do together. it's quite sweet. 

playing: toys are really a big thing right now. he have these stackable numbered cups, and every time i stack them, B has to make sure they are knocked down immediately. so we play this game where i try to stack them all up before he knocks them all down again. he always wins. he hates when things are neatly placed. haha. i got B a toy cell phone that lights up and plays songs, since he is so obsessed with mine. we have many phone conversations a day. he is so interactive. sometimes he really surprises me with how sharp he is. we go in the bedroom (the one place with carpet) and just let him have it. he crawls all over. (of course after a big vacuuming) 

baths: ohhh B has learned to splash the water around. it's quite funny. he just hits the water with his hands and cracks up. this summer we will start baby swim lessons, since he likes the water so much. 

we haven't gone on any trips lately. hopefully we will be heading to San Francisco soon to visit Zsa Zsa and PaPa. we miss them. it's been all work and no play lately. poor little bronson needs some excitement in his life. hopefully this means we will be able to see Surya/Nick/Mikio too!! 


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