Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Prunes, prunes, nothing but prunes. b loves his fruit. avocados are next. do parent really have their baby try everything for four days to see if they have an allergy?? if this is the case, it's going to take a long time until he tries anything. someone at work told me that you only have to do this if the parents have a specific allergy to something. i'm kind of stumped on what to do. i feel like you can only go so far. i'm sure there's a point where you give up and just starting giving your baby whatever/whenever and stop paying attention to what day you're on. as for the moment i will continue on this four day rule, but feeling like this may not last too much longer. 

the days have been a little boring lately. it's been pouring here the last few days, which has kept us inside for 3 consecutive days, which has given B the opportunity to get really really good at standing. standing with one hand. standing with no hands (for like 3 seconds) and back to standing with one hand and trying to pick a toy up with the other hand. taking plastic rings off his cone. carefully picking and choosing toys. excitably aware of noise and whats going on around him. especially the dog and cat. oh the cat. he loves to just grab the cat with full hand force. usually i have to pry his hands off the cat, and by the end of it he has a hand full full of cat hair. (poor elliot). he loves to just stare at zoe and laugh with with such amusement. 

Poop: it happened today. it woke him up from his sleep. the minute i open the door i knew. i could smell it. my whole hand smelled from just carrying him down stairs. i had to wear a plastic glove while putting him in the sink to wash him because it literally makes your hand permanently stink for like the whole day, even after hand washes after hand washes. seriously.this 'shit' is gross. the cool part though is; there is no leaking of the poo. no up the back. no out the sides. it's all contained now because the consistency of the poop if super thick. so that's a plus i guess. 

sitting: getting a little better. but still not his number one priority. 

words: no mama's yet. the best is when all he does is 'ta' 'ta' 'ta' all day long. it's very quick when he says it. it is the cutest thing. i just repeat right back 'ta, ta, ta'. 

teeth: i believe your second tooth has pushed through. the gum is really white. it's hard to tell though. and that other little tooth of yours so the most adorable things ever. i heart his little teeth. 

naps: sometimes he is awesome. the other day he sucked. it's so unpredictable. i think he is getting tired faster since all he does is pull himself to standing in the crib the whole time, so then he will just pass out by sliding back down the crib railing into the weirdest positions. pretty funny. 

diapers: we are soon going to going up to size 3 diapers. woop woop! only because B's legs are so dang fat that it makes the diapers too small to shut close. but for now, we need to finish the size 2 ones we have, then we can get into that size 3 stash. 

and off to bed for me. good night all. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Meeks has been size three for like 2 month! Hahaha giant baby!
