Tuesday, March 18, 2014


happy happy 8 month birthday my sweet boy!! wow, i can't believe it's been 8 months since you were born. it has seriously been the best 8 months of my life and such a crazy journey to see you grow into a little boy. from such a tiny tiny helpless baby(well not that tiny, you were 9.5lbs) to this amazingly strong little dude that you are. you are seriously stronger than me. you are solid when i hold you. you have a death grip of a chimpanzee. (that's the one animal that came to mind that would have a really strong grip) your personality is coming out more and more. you let that out long ago, but now it's to its fullest. i can just tell you are going to be a funny little jokester that runs around laughing, bursting with energy. you are going to be a tough cookie, which isn't a bad thing, just sometimes scary. you are like me, your mama. you fear nothing. you try to walk on your own, even though you know you can't even stand yet. you could care less about getting hurt and bonking your poor little head. you rarely cry when you hurt yourself. and if you do, you're over it in like 2 seconds. you really just shed tears of being surprised, not pain. you love your animals, zoe and elliot. they love you back. you are getting less allergic to zoe's saliva and don't break out in hives every time she licks your face. you LOVE your dada! he is the funniest thing in your mind. you love to ride on his shoulders and stare down on him with the biggest grin ever. you love to pull his beard to hoist yourself to standing. you love to stare directly into his eyes and smile while cooing and piercing your lips. you love to eat. especially what we are eating. you hold your breath and get bright red and flap your arms when something tastes really good and excited you. and what the most amazing thing is, is you love us. and little boy, we love you. times a million infinity. 

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