Friday, March 28, 2014

music together

today we started our first mama and baby music class. we are doing it with our friend kazumi and her little girl kaede. the class was super fun and filled with lots of other sweet mama's and kiddos. (even twins!) we were of course late for our first class because someone decided to sleep in on this particular day, but it all worked out. bronson of course, was the center of attention. literally. he crawled to the middle of the room and sat there the whole class just smiling and laughing at everyone. a mommy at the end of the class said he was stealing everyone's hearts the whole time. we played lots of fun instruments: rattle eggs, drums, wooden clappers, rain sticks, and scarfs. ooohhhh scarfs. bronson loved these!!

there are all ages in this class. most about between 1-2 years old. a couple infants, like almost new borns. and a couple that looked to be bronsons age, but were maybe younger (but bigger than b) because they were sitting but not crawling i'm sure they would have been if they knew how. everyone was surprised to see bronson crawling around, until i told them his age. then they just seemed shocked at how small he was. yes guys, i know, he's tiny. like me. 

today i also noticed a white new tooth coming in. it's on the bottom left right by his bottom two teeth. which is a bit out of order. i just think he's just going for it and going to sprout all of them this next couple months. hey, at least we're getting it out of the way now. right?! jon thinks he see's one on the top too, right by the two front teeth. no wonder he's not sleeping through the night anymore. he does this thing that sends chills through my body. he grinds his top and bottom teeth together constantly. it drives me nuts and gives me goosebumps. i absolutely hate it!! 

all in all, i do believe this music and me class was a huge success. he seemed to enjoy himself and others company thoroughly! now lets hope we can make it on time next time. 

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