Sunday, January 26, 2014


all you say these days is 'uhhh Dadadaaaaaddddaaaa'. on accident obviously. or blow your lips with a pile of saliva on them..i can't seem to describe or write that sound effect. your Zsa Zsa knows what i'm talking about. she is not a fan of this slobber mouth move. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

sticking with the color orange

we tried sweet potatoes! we thought we might as well keep the poop the same color, before turning it to green, which will happen after the peas. and yes, the poop is now more solid. and it's a lot. and jon say's it smells like bum shit.

today we went to roseville to get some stuff for this years spring garden. we thought we would start planting some kale and beats since the weather has decided to
turn to spring and not become winter at all. then we went to auburn for some amazing mexican food. b of course fell asleep right when we got there, so i just ran in and got the food togo so he could continue to sleep. and then since he was still sleeping when i got back, we decided to go to ikeda's to get supplies for dinner. i got salmon and asparagus and my favorite, a mini ikeda's marionberry pie. mmmmmmm delish!! 

home we are, making an early dinner so jon can take off to a friends surprise birthday party. i've decided i would rather stay home with B and not ask anyone to baby sit. it's right around his bed time and i don't like anyone else trying to put him down for bed that does not have milk in a boob, because that could be a disaster. 

he's down now for a late nap. tried to put him down earlier, but when i went to put him in the crib, he climbed up the crib rail and decided to learn to stand on his own. oh my was he impressed with himself. biggest grin ever. with the fear of him climbing over the railing and falling out, i picked him up and asked jon to come up to lower the crib. by the time we finished all that, we missed our window to put him down. and he was all amped up again. i showered while jon fed him some FORMULA! and yes, he drank it! finally! 3 to 1. as in, 3 oz of formula, 1 oz breastmilk! now he might NOT starve the month of February while i work. PHEW! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

6 Month Check Up

well, bronson had his 6 month doctor's appointment. he is officially small. he has gone from the 100 percentile (being born) to 25th percentile at 4 months, to 17th percentile now. yet has MAD skills, like crawling. his pediatrician is not worried about his growth chart at all. she says he is growing just fine, and developing very fast, and is super strong. he is just tiny. like us. and he will most likely be an early walker. YIKES! 

and B got his first tooth the other day!! OMG! too cute to see a pearly white tooth pop out. and there is one more following on the bottom. can't wait for that to pop out too, to give him some relief. he's been pretty good considering his pain. just a bit more fussy than normal. 

he did excellent at the doctors. didn't even cry on the first shot. then the second one he did for a minute. that one probably stung though. i probably would have cried too! wah wah wah.

anyways, we are happy to say our boy is healthy healthy. a light 15lbs 12 oz. a short 26inches. and a big dome. i forget the head circumference, but she said it was very large. considering how little he was everywhere else. lots of brain i'm assuming. 

i explained to the np that i was worried that he still doesn't sit. she said, if he can crawl, he can sit. he just won't because he learned to crawl first and stand on his legs, so that was going to be fist priority for him. not sitting still. makes sense. 

we are having fun introducing him to solids. it gives us something new to do. so far just carrots still. he are in the process of introducing formula too. YUCK, but something that needs to be done, so when the time comes that i can't pump enough milk for him while i'm away, he will have an alternative, and he will be used to it already. we are mixing breast milk and formula once a day. about 4 to 1. 

i'ts off to bed for me. oh ya, he pooped today. Finally. day 5 or 6 i think it had been. poor little guy. he's just like his mommy. :(

Sunday, January 19, 2014


you're 6 months old, as of Jan 18, 2014. here's a picture i took on that day. i'm sorry i had to work on your day. 


you heart carrots

my dearest bronson,
you started solids today for the first time. and it was orange. an orange vegetable, called carrots. 1 down, 100 zillion other things to try. lets take it slow now. i am so excited i just want to keep feeding you more and more. you would have allowed me to keep feeding you, but i've read i need to just start at a teaspoon. sounds selfish i know, but i promise little man, soon i will let you eat as much as your little tummy can handle. i just thought you should know about this exciting new milestone you have reached. eating. it is the best. food is the best. and man are you going to be eating some yummy meals in your future. just thought you should know. 

i love you,

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Please Zzzzzzz baby!

it was a beautiful day today. 70 degrees to be exact. we went for a stroller walk. he's getting used to the stroller now, instead of being attached in the carrier. and my back is loving this new stroller thing too. 

as for right now, i am listening to the monitor of B crying it out for the last 15 minutes. for some reason, some days, he just won't sleep. i don't get it. i am so sick of listening to him wale today! it is driving me absolutely nuts. 

i slept with him doing this all night last night too, with at least two wake ups. plus whimpering on/off the whole night. i am so tired right now, i just would love one night of uninterrupted sleep. no baby. no dog. no cat to bother me. because this mama is exhausted. 

he has been the worst sleeper lately. maybe teething. but that's my excuse for every bad night. but this time i'm actually serious. why wouldn't one want to sleep? it seems like such an easy task for us adults. and such a nightmare for little ones.

he is getting so hard to watch all day. he absolutely will not sit. he prefers to stand or do tummy time. he is crawling and lifting himself on things, which leads him to standing pretty much, with a little assistant. this amazes me and terrifies me at the same time. is this normal at 6 months old? 

i have also had to take every hard toy there is because he loves to just whack himself in the head with these hard objects, which leads to red foreheads and black eyes. he loves the honest baby wipes package. it is the best feeling for him. where ever i hide it, he finds it. grabs it. rakes it with his fingers and sucks on the packaging. i usually hide it in his clothes basket, which he climbs up on it and hoists himself to standing position. very impressive. 

ok so i fail as a mother. i am about to go get my baby so i don't have to listen to his crying anymore. sometimes i feel like the best mother when i have all his naps, bedtime ritual, everything under control with him and on schedule. then it all falls apart when things seem to be perfect. and then you feel like the worst person on the planet. probably because you have nothing else to be depressed about, except your child. because that is your life. and you have no other life. there will hopefully be an easier point to motherhood soon.