Wednesday, January 22, 2014

6 Month Check Up

well, bronson had his 6 month doctor's appointment. he is officially small. he has gone from the 100 percentile (being born) to 25th percentile at 4 months, to 17th percentile now. yet has MAD skills, like crawling. his pediatrician is not worried about his growth chart at all. she says he is growing just fine, and developing very fast, and is super strong. he is just tiny. like us. and he will most likely be an early walker. YIKES! 

and B got his first tooth the other day!! OMG! too cute to see a pearly white tooth pop out. and there is one more following on the bottom. can't wait for that to pop out too, to give him some relief. he's been pretty good considering his pain. just a bit more fussy than normal. 

he did excellent at the doctors. didn't even cry on the first shot. then the second one he did for a minute. that one probably stung though. i probably would have cried too! wah wah wah.

anyways, we are happy to say our boy is healthy healthy. a light 15lbs 12 oz. a short 26inches. and a big dome. i forget the head circumference, but she said it was very large. considering how little he was everywhere else. lots of brain i'm assuming. 

i explained to the np that i was worried that he still doesn't sit. she said, if he can crawl, he can sit. he just won't because he learned to crawl first and stand on his legs, so that was going to be fist priority for him. not sitting still. makes sense. 

we are having fun introducing him to solids. it gives us something new to do. so far just carrots still. he are in the process of introducing formula too. YUCK, but something that needs to be done, so when the time comes that i can't pump enough milk for him while i'm away, he will have an alternative, and he will be used to it already. we are mixing breast milk and formula once a day. about 4 to 1. 

i'ts off to bed for me. oh ya, he pooped today. Finally. day 5 or 6 i think it had been. poor little guy. he's just like his mommy. :(

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