Saturday, January 25, 2014

sticking with the color orange

we tried sweet potatoes! we thought we might as well keep the poop the same color, before turning it to green, which will happen after the peas. and yes, the poop is now more solid. and it's a lot. and jon say's it smells like bum shit.

today we went to roseville to get some stuff for this years spring garden. we thought we would start planting some kale and beats since the weather has decided to
turn to spring and not become winter at all. then we went to auburn for some amazing mexican food. b of course fell asleep right when we got there, so i just ran in and got the food togo so he could continue to sleep. and then since he was still sleeping when i got back, we decided to go to ikeda's to get supplies for dinner. i got salmon and asparagus and my favorite, a mini ikeda's marionberry pie. mmmmmmm delish!! 

home we are, making an early dinner so jon can take off to a friends surprise birthday party. i've decided i would rather stay home with B and not ask anyone to baby sit. it's right around his bed time and i don't like anyone else trying to put him down for bed that does not have milk in a boob, because that could be a disaster. 

he's down now for a late nap. tried to put him down earlier, but when i went to put him in the crib, he climbed up the crib rail and decided to learn to stand on his own. oh my was he impressed with himself. biggest grin ever. with the fear of him climbing over the railing and falling out, i picked him up and asked jon to come up to lower the crib. by the time we finished all that, we missed our window to put him down. and he was all amped up again. i showered while jon fed him some FORMULA! and yes, he drank it! finally! 3 to 1. as in, 3 oz of formula, 1 oz breastmilk! now he might NOT starve the month of February while i work. PHEW! 

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