Thursday, October 17, 2013

An Apology Letter

oh my sweet sweet boy Bronson,

mama and Papa are ever so sorry for cutting the tip of your pinky off while trying to trim your nails. well honestly it's your papa who cut you, but i'm am the one who made him cut your nails in the pitch dark. i'm actually amazed he was able to cut one of your nails with success in the dark. you took it like a champ. 

papa says you are tough like him. agree to disagree, because we all know you get your toughness from me. i have eye witnesses, that when i got hurt or fell i would start laughing. seriously. i coped with my pain by laughing up a storm. i'm sure you will do that too.

luckily while losing the tip of your pinky, you were breastfeeding. which i hear is a natural pain reliever. so that helped. you jerked a bit when it happened, but then continued sucking furiously, with me pushing your face into me a little harder just to make sure you kept feeding and wouldn't notice the pain. 

you were gushing blood (ok we're talking like a micro unit here) but who's measuring? i put pressure and glared at your papa the whole time. don't worry, i got him back pretty good by my mean facial expressions. he felt terrible and laid his head on you and sulked. i explained to him that it happens to every parent, mean while on google searching -what to do if you accidentally cut the tip of your baby's finger off- and sure enough, everyone's done it. you just think that your going to be that one set of parents who doesn't ever do it. wrong. 

i slept terribly last night thinking about your poor finger. i dreamt bout inventing perfect infant fingertip bandaids. and how i'm so glad it was your pinky and not your thumb, since you stick your thumb in your mouth all day. and that would be germy! i lay there wondering if you were going to wake up and then feel the pain of your finger. 

fortunately B, you are alright. you survived the night. and so did we. barely. if it makes you feel better, i got bit by a spider last night and woke up with 8 itchy swollen welts all over me. pay back from your eight legged friend the spider.

today when you wake, i a going to give you a million kisses all over your face and watch you laugh and squeal. i am going to give you the best meal of your life (breast milk) in hopes that you will forgive me and your papa. 

love US.

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