Tuesday, October 22, 2013


this little guy has been happy as can be lately. he is JUST starting to stay awake for longer stretches during the day, which means he goes to bed at like 7pm rather than 11pm. and sleeps at least 8 hours. or 10. or 12, like last night. unless he's going through a growth spurt. which already happened last week. which sucked. it brought me back to the days when i was sleep deprived. again. which i'm sure will keep happening throughout his life, so i should just get used to it now. 

b thinks he looks amazing in orange. i can't agree more. he say's it will most likely be his favorite color when he can make his own decisions, but for now, it is. 

lots of progress this past 2 weeks. bronson now holds things in his hands (on purpose) and what a grip it is. he can bring toys to his mouth, and i actually saw him transferring a toy from one hand to another. on accident? most likely, but i like to think every thing is on purpose and that he's just a genius. 

he LOVES his hands. still. he holds them together and just stares at them while shoving them into his mouth. i've been trying to get him to clap, but it's not working so well. 

everyday he smiles more and more. and stares at me with more love in his eyes. i'm starting to think that he actually loves me for ME and not just for my milk. even when he feeds, he is staring straight into my eyes. if i stare back at him, he produces a huge grin with nipple still in mouth. i usually have to look away (which is the hardest thing ever) so he keeps feeding. 

reading books to him is starting to become fun. he sits on my lap still as can be, hands to his side, while looking at the pages while i read. every so often when he see's a page he likes he squeals in delight. his favorite book i read to him is 'in the wild'. every time i get to the elephant page and read:

Big, yet moves with grace.
Powerful, yet delicate as lace.
As to color, plain---
an ordinary gray.
But once we start to look, we cannot look away.
When peaceful, silent;
When angry, loud.
Who would have guessed the ELEPHANT
is so much like a cloud?

he starts laughing out loud. and then i laugh. and i kiss him on the head. and tell him "i love you". i continue reading. with every page flip there is a kiss. with every squeal there is a kiss. even with every cry there is a kiss. this boy is loved. so dearly. by me. 

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