Tuesday, December 31, 2013


                             jelly fish at the Academy of Science


 Zsa Zsa and Bronson

Scott the dragon, kip, and B!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

5 months, YEAH!! and the magical poop onsie

wow. time has flown by. well the weeks and months do, but the days seem to take forever. i can't even explain these past 5 months. it seems like yesterday that bronson was just newly brought home from the hospital and all he did was eat, poop, and cry. not much sleeping. a lot of improvement since those days. on both ends. b does all of the above, even sleeps, and then some. i have improved because my confidence with B has gone from a 0% to probably a good solid 75%. and my confidence level with other babies has spiked way high too. and i actually like other babies now too. weird. well i think i do. at least i act like it. usually i would just ignore the baby all together, now i'm interested. i like to compare and judge other babies to mine. haha. always competing. 

today for the big 5 MO, we went to target. i had of course procrastinated in getting my christmas gifts for the foster kids i chose to get presents for. i guess it's not procrastinating if you have a baby. no such thing. it's called everything is harder to do with a baby always in your arms! i sang to b the entire ride, which kept him from crying the entire time. super impressed with myself. the thought of me being that interesting and entertaining is pretty flattering. i sang, row row row your boat, itsy bitsy spider, doe a dear, and hush little baby (what i know of it) i usually end up humming the rest because i can't, for the life of me, remember that song. but this continued on repeat for a half hour. we arrive at target and i go to pull b out of his carseat, and BAM, SO much poo. all the way up the back to his neck, seeping around the sides. i panic!! luckily there was a towel for zoe in the car. i lay it down on the seat, then i lay him down. i think about my options. 1. i could just put him back in and drive home, but that would be such a waste, since it takes 30 minutes to get back home. 2. bring him into target and give him a bath in the sink. 3. just deal with it in the car. i chose option 3. and call jon on speaker kind of freaking out. before attempting to take off the pants and diaper, i get two bags ready. one for the diaper and baby wipes, the other for the poopy clothes. the hardest thing to do is taking off the onsie without getting poop all over your babies face too. which is so mean and gross if you do. but in the end it worked out. i had poop all over my hands and pants. he got a baby wipe bath and a change of clothes. i continue to baby wipe the carseat and cover the carseat with his swaddle blanket so it won't get on him when i put him back in on the ride home. otherwise target was a success.he slept peacefully on the way home with hand on chest. such manners my boy has. 

i should have known better. i put him in his lucky poop onsie before we left home. even when i was dressing him, i had a slight suspicion that he might poop in the carseat while wearing this onsie. for some reason, this one onsie that we have that Mika gave us, is like poop magic. every time he wears it, he explodes. it even has poop stains on it in the diaper area. and when he hasn't pooped for a bit, we make him wear it, and it works. so it all boils down to, this is my fault. i shouldn't of dressed him in that onsie. 

when we get home, i bring down the plastic bag with his clothes in it to start shouting his magical poop onsie so it doesn't stain more, and his pants. but to my surprise, there is no onsie, just pants. i am puzzled. jon says to me 'uh oh, did you get the bags mixed up and throw away the poopy bag with the onsie in it?'. 'NO!' i say. ---thats totes what i did. OMG. we are all disappointed in me! here's a picture of the magical poop onsie.

i could not have asked for a cuter, smiley, funny, sweeter, wiggle worm than this one. i don't know how it's possible, but i love him more and more every day. he is my little companion. 

happy 5 month birthday my sweet boy.
mama loves you.  


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sophie the Giraffe

b loves his sophie the giraffe. he loves to bite sophie right on the nose with his gums and squeak it. jon calls it geri the giraffe, which drives me crazy! everyone around the world with kids knows it's name is sophie, not geri. 

b and i walked to town yesterday to do some christmas shopping. it was a beautiful 52 degrees. we went to foothill mercantile, which is this gigantic toy store with a few levels. it's a little overwhelming. he picked out a few presents he wanted for christmas. it was very hard to make up his mind. had them gift wrapped, and now they are the first presents to sit under the tree. we went to the book seller and bought some new books as well. this gift was mainly for me. that's about all the shopping we could handle, with all the lines, and people waiting for gift wrapping. we have a very 'bored easily' baby on our hands. always got to be on the move. different scenery. different sounds. or else, squirm squirm squirm, and that really high pitched squeal/scream he does, which is very embarrassing in public. it's funny how my biggest fear is him crying. that's the biggest fear. and i'm still scared of that. and honestly, no one cares. unless of course you are in an inappropriate not baby friendly place, then people stare at you and say, why would she bring a baby here?  but most places are very baby friendly. i need to get over this fear and relax. i feel like i should have this perfect baby that never cries and is always happy. but that is not realistic, nor healthy. babies need to cry to communicate and to develop their lungs. and to be normal.there's something wrong if your baby doesn't cry every so often. b rarely cries. he does when he's hungry and tired, or just bored.or if a person he doesn't know holds him for a long period of time. i've learned to feed him before he's hungry and put him down (if i am home and can) before he is over tired. this keeps to a pretty happy baby. so when he does cry, i am always confused why he is crying, when 5 out of 5 of his criteria list are checked off. i like how you pretend you know whats wrong though. you say to yourself, well he's fed, he's well rested, he's doing what he loves doing, his diapers changed, etc etc. it must be he's teething. or it must be his stomach hurts because he hasn't pooped in 2 days. my first thing i do is touch his forehead and say, well he doesn't have a fever so this is not an urgent matter and all you can do is comfort him with your love. no medical attention needed. just pure love from mama or papa will have to do. and in the end, this usually works. i hold him tight to me when meltdowns occur. tight enough that he can't kick off with his feet and get away. tight enough where he can grab the back of my neck skin. which is painful, and i usually silently yelp in agony. this usually get him to laugh though, when you are in pain. it's like he knows when he hurts you. he makes up for it by giggling away. he reminds me a little bit of, ME! oh  boy, we are in for it, i can just tell. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

first snow and tree

we got snow. and a tree. a white tree. keepin' it real. zoe enjoyed playing in it and making the snow yellow. b had a real nice time sitting in it for his photo shoot while we documented his first snow. unfortunately the snow never lasts long. 

sleeping: it's been okay. except now b wakes up in the middle of the night again. the n.p. says this is normal because he is learning so many new skills, and it wakes him up from his sleep. i shouldn't complain. i have friends who's kids are two and have never slept through the whole night before. 

eating: can we say distractible baby? i seriously have to go in a closet in the dark to feed this kid in order for him to eat a proper meal. for example. feeding..papa says something..unlatch..look towards papa..smiles..latches again..zoe moves..unlatch..look at zoe..smile..latches..and even if i keep completely silent, i will look down and he's there unlatched grinning this toothless grin, and razzling with his saliva. i usually try to look away, otherwise we could have this staring contest forever..latches..unlatches for who knows what reasons. i've read up on this, and yes the distractible baby is a THING! pretty cute, but way more annoying than anything. 

pooping: i like how pooping is such a huge part of a babies update. i mean, it's really 1/2 of their life. and i love talking about it. everyday when at work, and jon brings b to come feed, my first question is, did he poo today? oh he did, was it massive? where did it happen? ie. carseat? carrier? crib? did it get on his clothes? usually jons reply is, don't you see he is wearing a different outfit. that pretty much means, yes it got on the clothes and got all over the place. in the past, when b was teeny meeny, we were always like, please don't poop and let it wake him up from the nap. since we went 4-6 times a day. now when he only has a bowel movement once  a day to every two days, we are routing him on. we say to each other, i don't even care if it wakes him from his nap and we have to change the sheets, we want him to poop dammit! you can tell it starts to hurt his belly after a full day of empty diapers. and truthfully, it makes diaper changing very boring. i used to love analyzing the color, the fat cells, the texture, smell and so on of his poopy diapers. pee is just really boring. once again, poop wins! hooray! 

talking: we are working on it. they say at this age babies pretty much know all the vowels know and can say a big range of goo goo's, dada's, coo coo's etc. not any dada's or mama's for us yet. not even accidental ones. this will come i'm sure soon.

sitting: well i'm pretty disappointed in the sitting situation. i mean, i've been expecting b to sit better than he is, since he is been a month advanced in everything else. we are working on this. and would rather roll over on his hands and knees and army crawl or stand bouncing up and down while you balance him up.

books: tired of them. he has quite a few, but how many times can you read the same books over and over? pretty sure we read literally 15 books a day to him. we read at least five books to him before every nap and before bedtime. a lot of times we just hold the book so he can grab out at the book and put it in his mouth, and we just recite the book my memorization. sometimes b is awesome while story time. he just sits there staring at the pages and listening. other times, it's a mess. he is all over the place, turning every which way, swatting at you, the books, whatever he can get his hands on to shove in his mouth. 

snot boogers: unfortunately, we live in a dry climate. and the allergy situation here is the worst, than any other place.  b is always congested. like his mama. after baths we used to use the bulb syringe. at first it was okay because b had no idea what it was. now he does, and he can grab and hold things and push away and refuse. so i got the nose frida. it's alright. but nothing compares to saline nose spray. this just about saved my life, and b's. just a little spray up each nostril..and AWWW CHEWWW..and snot boogers fly out. they are white and very gooey and sticky, so there's no wonder he can hardly breath and clear them himself. i like to examine each booger and rave about how huge they are and how much better the baby must feel. jon thinks i'm a total gross weirdo. this helps with the eating too. a lot of times b will be so clogged up that he will eat without breathing, then unlatch and take like five big breaths through his mouth, and start eating again..then repeat. saline mist is my hero right now. i'm sure next month i'll be raving about something new. 

out at lunch
they love each other. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Last Two Weeks..

bronson had his 4 month check up, and shots! i have to say once again, he is one tough baby. barely cried. (probably because of all the tylenol i gave him. hehe) having chubby fat thighs help too. the nurse practitioner says he is growing, slowly but surely. he is only in the 25th percentile, but his strong-ness makes up for the shortness. i like to say. she asked if he was rolling over one way yet. i told her he had been rolling over one way since 6 weeks, and now rolls both ways. holds his head up to 90 degree. laughs. coos. giggles.smiles.babbles.grabs.feels.army crawls.does yoga. (plank pose specifically).oh and how interested in eating he is. she was very impressed by all this. this months goals: LEARNING TO SIT. well assisted sitting.
this is bronson very interested in eating the wheat thin. 

this month was an exciting month because it was B's first turkey day!!

and B got to meet his GGC (great grandma claire) for the first time ever!!! we flew her up just so she could squeeze those big cheeks. B loved her. along with all the animals too. she is an animal magnet. zoe practically wanted to sit on her. anyways this is GGC with her amazing red zebra christmas sweater on, holding B. never did he cry with her. only smiles and giggles the whole 5 days spent together.

                                                                  in love.

things we did with GGC:

-we went to the crafts fair. tried to bring B, but he fell asleep, so jon stayed home to stare at the monitor.
-went to cornish christmas. for like a second. it was insanely crowded and cold, which was a little too much for litte Jess. and everybody else.
-went to lunch at Toff's with the family. everyone did fabulous at lunch. B and little Jess, you two are troopers!!!
-had turkey day over at Leslie's.
-carved a turkey with a dull knife. (which i destroyed. but tasted fabulous!)

all together it was an amazing week/holiday spent with GGC.

Since you've been gone GGC:
bronson has a new thing he does. he squeals/screams. he's always squealed, but it's this really high pitch piercing one now. very obnoxious! he thinks it's the best thing ever. he is finding his voice. he does this scream when happy and when pissed. when happy it comes with an open smile after screaming. when pissed, it comes with a whimper/cry afterwards. which is what happened in K-mart the other day. the lady behind says: oh your baby is SO happy. no lady, that was a pissed scream. mostly because K-mart sucks. but it was the only place to buy my fake white christmas tree.

aw yes, it got cold since you've been gone. freezing actually. like it's going to snow tomorrow. and this is how we have to dress. like a jail bird. oh well. at least he has little tiger ears.