Friday, December 6, 2013

The Last Two Weeks..

bronson had his 4 month check up, and shots! i have to say once again, he is one tough baby. barely cried. (probably because of all the tylenol i gave him. hehe) having chubby fat thighs help too. the nurse practitioner says he is growing, slowly but surely. he is only in the 25th percentile, but his strong-ness makes up for the shortness. i like to say. she asked if he was rolling over one way yet. i told her he had been rolling over one way since 6 weeks, and now rolls both ways. holds his head up to 90 degree. laughs. coos. crawls.does yoga. (plank pose specifically).oh and how interested in eating he is. she was very impressed by all this. this months goals: LEARNING TO SIT. well assisted sitting.
this is bronson very interested in eating the wheat thin. 

this month was an exciting month because it was B's first turkey day!!

and B got to meet his GGC (great grandma claire) for the first time ever!!! we flew her up just so she could squeeze those big cheeks. B loved her. along with all the animals too. she is an animal magnet. zoe practically wanted to sit on her. anyways this is GGC with her amazing red zebra christmas sweater on, holding B. never did he cry with her. only smiles and giggles the whole 5 days spent together.

                                                                  in love.

things we did with GGC:

-we went to the crafts fair. tried to bring B, but he fell asleep, so jon stayed home to stare at the monitor.
-went to cornish christmas. for like a second. it was insanely crowded and cold, which was a little too much for litte Jess. and everybody else.
-went to lunch at Toff's with the family. everyone did fabulous at lunch. B and little Jess, you two are troopers!!!
-had turkey day over at Leslie's.
-carved a turkey with a dull knife. (which i destroyed. but tasted fabulous!)

all together it was an amazing week/holiday spent with GGC.

Since you've been gone GGC:
bronson has a new thing he does. he squeals/screams. he's always squealed, but it's this really high pitch piercing one now. very obnoxious! he thinks it's the best thing ever. he is finding his voice. he does this scream when happy and when pissed. when happy it comes with an open smile after screaming. when pissed, it comes with a whimper/cry afterwards. which is what happened in K-mart the other day. the lady behind says: oh your baby is SO happy. no lady, that was a pissed scream. mostly because K-mart sucks. but it was the only place to buy my fake white christmas tree.

aw yes, it got cold since you've been gone. freezing actually. like it's going to snow tomorrow. and this is how we have to dress. like a jail bird. oh well. at least he has little tiger ears.

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