Wednesday, December 18, 2013

5 months, YEAH!! and the magical poop onsie

wow. time has flown by. well the weeks and months do, but the days seem to take forever. i can't even explain these past 5 months. it seems like yesterday that bronson was just newly brought home from the hospital and all he did was eat, poop, and cry. not much sleeping. a lot of improvement since those days. on both ends. b does all of the above, even sleeps, and then some. i have improved because my confidence with B has gone from a 0% to probably a good solid 75%. and my confidence level with other babies has spiked way high too. and i actually like other babies now too. weird. well i think i do. at least i act like it. usually i would just ignore the baby all together, now i'm interested. i like to compare and judge other babies to mine. haha. always competing. 

today for the big 5 MO, we went to target. i had of course procrastinated in getting my christmas gifts for the foster kids i chose to get presents for. i guess it's not procrastinating if you have a baby. no such thing. it's called everything is harder to do with a baby always in your arms! i sang to b the entire ride, which kept him from crying the entire time. super impressed with myself. the thought of me being that interesting and entertaining is pretty flattering. i sang, row row row your boat, itsy bitsy spider, doe a dear, and hush little baby (what i know of it) i usually end up humming the rest because i can't, for the life of me, remember that song. but this continued on repeat for a half hour. we arrive at target and i go to pull b out of his carseat, and BAM, SO much poo. all the way up the back to his neck, seeping around the sides. i panic!! luckily there was a towel for zoe in the car. i lay it down on the seat, then i lay him down. i think about my options. 1. i could just put him back in and drive home, but that would be such a waste, since it takes 30 minutes to get back home. 2. bring him into target and give him a bath in the sink. 3. just deal with it in the car. i chose option 3. and call jon on speaker kind of freaking out. before attempting to take off the pants and diaper, i get two bags ready. one for the diaper and baby wipes, the other for the poopy clothes. the hardest thing to do is taking off the onsie without getting poop all over your babies face too. which is so mean and gross if you do. but in the end it worked out. i had poop all over my hands and pants. he got a baby wipe bath and a change of clothes. i continue to baby wipe the carseat and cover the carseat with his swaddle blanket so it won't get on him when i put him back in on the ride home. otherwise target was a success.he slept peacefully on the way home with hand on chest. such manners my boy has. 

i should have known better. i put him in his lucky poop onsie before we left home. even when i was dressing him, i had a slight suspicion that he might poop in the carseat while wearing this onsie. for some reason, this one onsie that we have that Mika gave us, is like poop magic. every time he wears it, he explodes. it even has poop stains on it in the diaper area. and when he hasn't pooped for a bit, we make him wear it, and it works. so it all boils down to, this is my fault. i shouldn't of dressed him in that onsie. 

when we get home, i bring down the plastic bag with his clothes in it to start shouting his magical poop onsie so it doesn't stain more, and his pants. but to my surprise, there is no onsie, just pants. i am puzzled. jon says to me 'uh oh, did you get the bags mixed up and throw away the poopy bag with the onsie in it?'. 'NO!' i say. ---thats totes what i did. OMG. we are all disappointed in me! here's a picture of the magical poop onsie.

i could not have asked for a cuter, smiley, funny, sweeter, wiggle worm than this one. i don't know how it's possible, but i love him more and more every day. he is my little companion. 

happy 5 month birthday my sweet boy.
mama loves you.  


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