Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sophie the Giraffe

b loves his sophie the giraffe. he loves to bite sophie right on the nose with his gums and squeak it. jon calls it geri the giraffe, which drives me crazy! everyone around the world with kids knows it's name is sophie, not geri. 

b and i walked to town yesterday to do some christmas shopping. it was a beautiful 52 degrees. we went to foothill mercantile, which is this gigantic toy store with a few levels. it's a little overwhelming. he picked out a few presents he wanted for christmas. it was very hard to make up his mind. had them gift wrapped, and now they are the first presents to sit under the tree. we went to the book seller and bought some new books as well. this gift was mainly for me. that's about all the shopping we could handle, with all the lines, and people waiting for gift wrapping. we have a very 'bored easily' baby on our hands. always got to be on the move. different scenery. different sounds. or else, squirm squirm squirm, and that really high pitched squeal/scream he does, which is very embarrassing in public. it's funny how my biggest fear is him crying. that's the biggest fear. and i'm still scared of that. and honestly, no one cares. unless of course you are in an inappropriate not baby friendly place, then people stare at you and say, why would she bring a baby here?  but most places are very baby friendly. i need to get over this fear and relax. i feel like i should have this perfect baby that never cries and is always happy. but that is not realistic, nor healthy. babies need to cry to communicate and to develop their lungs. and to be normal.there's something wrong if your baby doesn't cry every so often. b rarely cries. he does when he's hungry and tired, or just bored.or if a person he doesn't know holds him for a long period of time. i've learned to feed him before he's hungry and put him down (if i am home and can) before he is over tired. this keeps to a pretty happy baby. so when he does cry, i am always confused why he is crying, when 5 out of 5 of his criteria list are checked off. i like how you pretend you know whats wrong though. you say to yourself, well he's fed, he's well rested, he's doing what he loves doing, his diapers changed, etc etc. it must be he's teething. or it must be his stomach hurts because he hasn't pooped in 2 days. my first thing i do is touch his forehead and say, well he doesn't have a fever so this is not an urgent matter and all you can do is comfort him with your love. no medical attention needed. just pure love from mama or papa will have to do. and in the end, this usually works. i hold him tight to me when meltdowns occur. tight enough that he can't kick off with his feet and get away. tight enough where he can grab the back of my neck skin. which is painful, and i usually silently yelp in agony. this usually get him to laugh though, when you are in pain. it's like he knows when he hurts you. he makes up for it by giggling away. he reminds me a little bit of, ME! oh  boy, we are in for it, i can just tell. 

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