Friday, December 13, 2013

first snow and tree

we got snow. and a tree. a white tree. keepin' it real. zoe enjoyed playing in it and making the snow yellow. b had a real nice time sitting in it for his photo shoot while we documented his first snow. unfortunately the snow never lasts long. 

sleeping: it's been okay. except now b wakes up in the middle of the night again. the n.p. says this is normal because he is learning so many new skills, and it wakes him up from his sleep. i shouldn't complain. i have friends who's kids are two and have never slept through the whole night before. 

eating: can we say distractible baby? i seriously have to go in a closet in the dark to feed this kid in order for him to eat a proper meal. for example. feeding..papa says something..unlatch..look towards papa..smiles..latches again..zoe moves..unlatch..look at even if i keep completely silent, i will look down and he's there unlatched grinning this toothless grin, and razzling with his saliva. i usually try to look away, otherwise we could have this staring contest forever..latches..unlatches for who knows what reasons. i've read up on this, and yes the distractible baby is a THING! pretty cute, but way more annoying than anything. 

pooping: i like how pooping is such a huge part of a babies update. i mean, it's really 1/2 of their life. and i love talking about it. everyday when at work, and jon brings b to come feed, my first question is, did he poo today? oh he did, was it massive? where did it happen? ie. carseat? carrier? crib? did it get on his clothes? usually jons reply is, don't you see he is wearing a different outfit. that pretty much means, yes it got on the clothes and got all over the place. in the past, when b was teeny meeny, we were always like, please don't poop and let it wake him up from the nap. since we went 4-6 times a day. now when he only has a bowel movement once  a day to every two days, we are routing him on. we say to each other, i don't even care if it wakes him from his nap and we have to change the sheets, we want him to poop dammit! you can tell it starts to hurt his belly after a full day of empty diapers. and truthfully, it makes diaper changing very boring. i used to love analyzing the color, the fat cells, the texture, smell and so on of his poopy diapers. pee is just really boring. once again, poop wins! hooray! 

talking: we are working on it. they say at this age babies pretty much know all the vowels know and can say a big range of goo goo's, dada's, coo coo's etc. not any dada's or mama's for us yet. not even accidental ones. this will come i'm sure soon.

sitting: well i'm pretty disappointed in the sitting situation. i mean, i've been expecting b to sit better than he is, since he is been a month advanced in everything else. we are working on this. and would rather roll over on his hands and knees and army crawl or stand bouncing up and down while you balance him up.

books: tired of them. he has quite a few, but how many times can you read the same books over and over? pretty sure we read literally 15 books a day to him. we read at least five books to him before every nap and before bedtime. a lot of times we just hold the book so he can grab out at the book and put it in his mouth, and we just recite the book my memorization. sometimes b is awesome while story time. he just sits there staring at the pages and listening. other times, it's a mess. he is all over the place, turning every which way, swatting at you, the books, whatever he can get his hands on to shove in his mouth. 

snot boogers: unfortunately, we live in a dry climate. and the allergy situation here is the worst, than any other place.  b is always congested. like his mama. after baths we used to use the bulb syringe. at first it was okay because b had no idea what it was. now he does, and he can grab and hold things and push away and refuse. so i got the nose frida. it's alright. but nothing compares to saline nose spray. this just about saved my life, and b's. just a little spray up each nostril..and AWWW CHEWWW..and snot boogers fly out. they are white and very gooey and sticky, so there's no wonder he can hardly breath and clear them himself. i like to examine each booger and rave about how huge they are and how much better the baby must feel. jon thinks i'm a total gross weirdo. this helps with the eating too. a lot of times b will be so clogged up that he will eat without breathing, then unlatch and take like five big breaths through his mouth, and start eating again..then repeat. saline mist is my hero right now. i'm sure next month i'll be raving about something new. 

out at lunch
they love each other. 

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